Tracking, CMP, RGPD

We offer personalized solutions in terms of web analytics and media tracking, in accordance with current European regulations. The objective: to allow you to optimize the measurement of interactions on your website and the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns, while respecting user consent.

Ensure the accurate reporting of your eCommerce data, in compliance with RGPD regulations

Implementation or optimization of Cookie Management Platforms (CMP)

We support you in setting up or optimizing your CMP solution (Axeptio, CookieYes, Didomi...), to allow your users to easily give, refuse or withdraw their consent. You can access detailed reports on consent preferences, and maximize your collection rate thanks to an optimized cookie banner and your colors.

Implementation or optimization of Web Analytics solutions

We set up or optimize your web analytics solution (Google Analytics 4, Matomo, Piwik Pro...), to collect all the key data related to the behavior of your users. We set up these tools to track important metrics such as site traffic, conversions, most visited pages, and navigation paths.

Analytics and Media Tracking Management

Depending on the evolution of your web interface or your media partners, we take care of the management of your Tag Management System (TMS): either to collect additional data, or to maximize the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns despite the end of third-party cookies. In particular, via the implementation of Google Consent Mode or other advanced solutions (server-side tracking)

Thanks to Smart Impact, set up a healthy, compliant and optimized tracking architecture, an essential step in understanding the behavior of your users. Contact us to discuss your challenges together.

nos projets

Vector Champagne Pink
Digital design
Latitude Nature
Vector Champagne Pink
Latitude Nature
Mobile-first approach

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Our team is available to discuss with you about your e-commerce ambitions.