Bordeaux tourisme

Restructuring the digital ecosystem

The agency accompanies the destination Bordeaux Tourism in the restructuring of its digital ecosystem: 5 sites, 7 languages. The culmination of a cross-platform reflection.

We won The gold of W3 Awards, in the category “General Websites — Tourism”. We also got Gold at Top/Com Grand Prix 2020 in the category “Consumer & E-commerce site”. These awards, at the national and international levels, reward the work of the entire team and highlight the approach ofeco-design conducted on the project.

Sustainable and responsible tourism

In a context of restructuring the tourist offer and promoting the responsible approach of the destination, the Bordeaux Tourism and Convention Office wanted to rethink its digital presence and all of its tools in an omnichannel logic.

The aim is to consider the project as a real repositioning and not as a simple graphic redesign of Bordeaux Métropole's websites.

12 months after the creation of the online ticketing platform, Smart Impact accompanied Bordeaux Métropole Tourism and Convention Office in the creation of the 4 sites:

All the sites are fed by the destination's tourist databases (Tourinsoft & Regiondo). One of the main challenges therefore lies in the agency's ability to structure existing information flows within this new digital ecosystem.

To allow a better network of content between the various sites, the agency has chosen a multi-site/multilingual architecture (7 languages). This reflection made it possible to integrate the site into the architecture.

By pooling developments, we make resources (functional & editorial) accessible to all sites and guarantee the eco-design of the system.

Cross-platform thinking

Resolutely oriented around the concept of appeal, this project must above all allow the destination to engage in a new editorial strategy. If the Admiral site retains the function of an attractiveness portal, it must also simplify the navigation of users within the device.

An important design work was carried out jointly with the agency. ThinkMyWeb in charge of the project's AMO.

The objective was to define, for each site, the user paths in a “mobile first” approach and to map all the possible interactions between the websites. This reflection made it possible to achieve “mobile” ergonomics similar to that of an application, thanks in particular to the advanced management of contextual sub-navigations.

Strong goals

This design phase allows us to meet the specific objectives of each site:

  • Seduction /for the attractiveness portal
  • Conversion /for online ticketing
  • Lead Capture /for the BtoB platform
  • Traffic capture /for the & event sites

Widget library

The choice of a multi-site architecture allows the 5 websites of the destination to have a same technical and functional base. This is thanks to a library of widgets (functional blocks) that can be used on all sites (internal networking, cartography, carousel, sustainable destination, agenda...).

From a webdesign point of view, the challenge lies here in our ability to create interfaces that respect the identity of each site and the functional constraints of common widgets/blocks. All sites must also respect a ergonomic consistency to allow users to navigate the ecosystem without losing their bearings.

Responsible approach and performance

Finding the right balance to meet the challenges of the destination in terms of responsible tourism. Our choices were guided throughout the project by the desire to reduce the ecological impact of our development as much as possible. This work was carried out in all phases of the project: servers & hosting, site architecture and development, flow management, project management, SEO.

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