BtoC eCommerce platform

More than 10 years of experience in the deployment of ecosystems and B2C interfaces in the Retail, Fashion, Cosmetics, Cosmetics, Spirits, Food or even Medical and dietary supplements markets... Smart Impact is positioned as the key partner for your e-commerce growth with a business vision based on a solid and evolving technical base.

Technical partner for your b2b/btoc eCommerce projects

Strategic audit: understanding your market and consumer expectations

Before designing your new BtoC e-commerce platform, we carry out an in-depth strategic analysis of your market, your targets, your competitors and we anticipate the possible technical challenges of the project. This immersion then allows us to build a tailor-made functional backlog and to define the perimeter of the platform according to the needs, objectives and constraints of your project.

Valuing the customer experience

While we claim our technical DNA, we are also convinced that the robustness of a platform is not the only criterion for e-commerce performance.

From the start of the project, our UX/UI team is involved in building a frictionless and engaging shopping experience for your customers. From intuitive navigation that facilitates access to information to the secure payment process, we optimize each stage of the customer journey to ensure an optimized experience that promotes conversion.

Omnichannel customer experience

At a time of multiplication of contact points (Web, Retail, Social Media...), between brands and customers, the priority is to offer a coherent experience, regardless of the channel.

Our expertise now extends in the creation and integration of these cross-channel journeys, in order to offer your customers the services they expect (Click & Collect, e-reservation, omnichannel payment...) while boosting the performance of your retail through the centralization of your stocks and the deployment of Ship from Store processes.

Customizing the buying journey

Personalization plays a crucial role in your BtoC eCommerce strategy. At Smart Impact, we use advanced personalization tools to offer your customers relevant product recommendations based on their buying behavior and preferences. This dynamic approach makes it possible to increase customer engagement and stimulate sales (increase in the average basket, improvement in the re-purchase rate, etc.).

Do you want to know more about our achievements, our expertise or even better, challenge us?

our projects

Vector Champagne Pink
Multi-site architecture
Vector Champagne Pink
Conversion strategy

our other services

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Our team is available to discuss with you about your e-commerce ambitions.